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3 Ways to Engage Your Social Media Fans and Grow Your Audience

Social media is growing at such a rapid pace that most of my clients need to see instant results. They aren't comfortable or interested in being advised on the psychology of social media. They figure they'll learn all of that down the line, or they figure I am the only person that needs to know the intricacies because its me they're paying to strategize their social presence. 

I get it, explaining social media ROI can be hard when you're measuring KPI's such as likes, comments, retweets and shares instead of direct sales. But thought of abstractly social media has gotten cancelled shows put back on the air, aided police in finding stupid criminals and helped companies like Apple and Bailman become relevant, must-have mega brands, and it can do the same for your business.

In order to get engagement aka people talking about your brand, connecting with you through social media and sharing the content you create -- you need followers. There is but so much your friends and family are going to be able to offer your business or brands needs. You need targeted followers and a presence thats constantly growing. You need followers, not spam or trolls but real people interested in your products and services. While you work to build your social footprint utilize the social media hacks below to jumpstart your social presence on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. 

1. Run A Contest on Facebook with Agorapulse

There are a variety of products and services that can see social media engagement results by running a Facebook contest. No matter if your just starting a social networking page for your business and or if you're looking to re-engage your current audience a social contest can be a useful tool. With the right graphics and marketing message you can increase your follower count, capture your target audience, and build brand awareness for yourself and your products or services. From Facebook to Pinterest there are a number of contest services out here that will help you set-up and run a social media contest in a variety of different ways. 

2. Use Instagram like a Pro - Check out this infographic from Brandon Gaille 

3. Use evergreen content to grow your Pinterest following.

Below is a snapshot of some of my evergreen Pinterest boards. My board themes run across: Fashion, African American history-makers, Decor and Inspiration. While I do have trendy boards the bulk of my pinning falls on my evergreen boards. The boards also tend to get the most re-pins. 

Follow me on Pinterest: 

Read the full article over at Social Media Examiner

What social media marketing hack are you using to grow your brand? Leave a message in the comment. Or connect with  me on social media below.

See this social icon list in the original post