As Warm As Sunshine
Recently I have been feeling antsy. Ready to make a leap. My professional career has always been one dramatic leap to the next. I started at the USDA while in undergrad and leaped to NYC where I interned for VIBE Magazine. From there I leaped to Spike Lee's advertising agency SpikeDDB. I leaped into many positions where I was not formally trained and I had to learn/adapt and I always did. I feel extremely prepared to leap without fear. I feel supported by God and look forward to building MY legacy.
Light as a feather
I am in the midst of making major career moves.
I have been moving at warp speed professionally. I moderated 'The Green Rush' panel at the 2016 Black Enterprise Entrepreneur's Summit (see below), I've also been speaking on panels, creating social media strategies, coming up with BIG ideas for campaigns, learning how to work as a team, be a leader, and on top of it all non-stop travel. But my heart will never be in corporate America unless my name is on the door. I will always give 100% but when its time to go its time to go. The time has come for me to focus and fully monetize my passions.
Wanda James, President of the Global Cannabis Initiative pinned me before I moderated 'The Green Rush' panel
To be honest, I was born to be an entrepreneur. I can honestly say my family members stayed with a side business. I was instructed very early in life on the importance of generating multiple streams of income. My parents had cleaning businesses, they sold designer handbags and costume jewelry in the 90's. My grandparents even owned an antique store for a time. Even now, I have an aunt who works at an educational magazine, and she's also a Yoga instructor.
I have always wanted to be my own boss. I have always sought and desired happiness, freedom and BIG bucks when it come to MY career.
While I don't have it all figured out, I do know that I am fully supported by the universe and that if I don't move now and throw my ideas out there then I'll be forced to do so and I don't want to move in fear.
I believe I am fully aware of when my season has changed and its time to move on.
That time is now. I have been getting my house in order. Getting my finances straight and getting my acting reel completed, and diving more into the cannabis industry. Everytime I think about my reel being completed I just can't stop grinning. I know the time is now for me. I feel it, see it and can taste it. I am not operating out of frustration or anger; I am operating out of peace and abundance.
Presenting Sirita Wright...
Have you ever leaped headfirst into another career? Share your experience, I'd love to read it.